永葆创新梦想,“华震人”砥砺前行 他一直在思考,为什么国外几十年前就能够做到的事情,而我们现在已经有了更好的加工设备、加工材料和加工工艺,却一直做不好,中国机器人产业的RV减速器仍然受制于人。这个问题一想就是许多年。 一件事,如果能够当作心爱的事业,并且坚持一辈子,这件事注定会很精彩;一个产品,如果能够当作艺术品去精雕细琢,用心做好每个细节,这件产品一定会很完美。 我们---华震做到了!这是一个创造奇迹的传奇故事,是科学研究与技术创新的珠联璧合。我们有梦想,致力于在机器人产业上突破关键核心技术,挺起民族工业的脊梁;我们有使命感,希望从细节做起,踏踏实实地做好每一件事情。 我们郑重承诺:将竭尽全力为国内外机器人制造商提供最具性价比的产品,做他们最可靠的供应商,为全球机器人产业的发展贡献“华震人”的强劲力量。 追求卓越,创新无涯。我们将用最完美的产品向所有敢于梦想和勇于创新的思想者和实践者致敬! With innovation in mind,Huazheners forge ahead Why has manufacture of the RV reducer been such a challenge for China?Why haven't we been able to make a better RV reducer,in spite of more advancedfacilities,better materials and manufacturing techniques?For years,these questions have been haunting him. If one approaches a problem with dedication and passion,eventually it will be aramazing fruit. Finally Huazheners have made it,a flawless combination of the latest science and technology.We are now living our dream of making breakthroughs in the roboticsindustry and are slowly becoming a pillar of our nation.We promise to foster acraftsmanship spirit of striving for the best. We pledge to provide the most cost-effective products for domestic and international robotic manufacturing markets and aim to become the most reliable supplier. We seek excellence and encourage innovation.We pay tribute to all thinkers anddoers who wish to follow their dreams and dare to bring forth new ideas.